Category Media
Farewell to the "car-friendly city": the SPD, the Grüne and the Linke want to deconstruct the A104 and A103 highways. Especially with the A103, this might not be so easy. There are also conflicts at the political level.
Forschungskolloquium des Fachgebiets Nachhaltige Mobilität und transdisziplinäre Forschungsmethoden (NaMo) Sommersemsester 2021 Termin: mittwochs (14-tägig), 14:30 bis 15:30 Uhr, Online-Veranstaltung
Category Publication
The Berlin Mobility Act (MobG BE) has raised great expectations for a rapid transformation of the capital into a people- and environmentally-friendly mobility space. This paper reviews progress in four areas of action.
Forschungskolloquium des Fachgebiets Nachhaltige Mobilität und transdisziplinäre Forschungsmethoden (NaMo) Sommersemsester 2021 Termin: mittwochs (14-tägig), 14:30 bis 15:30 Uhr, Online-Veranstaltung
Category Publication
Cities play a major role in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic as many measures are adopted at the scale of cities and involve adjustments to the way urban areas operate. Drawing from case studies across the globe, this book explores how the pandemic and the policies it has prompted have caused changes in the ways cities function.
Category Publication
The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed mobility behaviour. Many trips have been reduced due to the restrictions in everyday life, public transport has been shunned as a common means of transport, and in its place, there has been a shift to the private car as well as to walking and cycling. This article first analyses the developments and impacts of the pandemic on mobility. It then shows which new pathways transport policy and administration are taking to cope with the crisis.
Category Media
radioeins from the rbb in "Rad'n'Roll" with spoken contributions by Sophia Becker on Berlin's mobility law.
Forschungskolloquium des Fachgebiets Nachhaltige Mobilität und transdisziplinäre Forschungsmethoden (NaMo) Sommersemsester 2021 Termin: mittwochs (14-tägig), 14:30 bis 15:30 Uhr, Online-Veranstaltung
Category Publication
The Berlin Mobility Act (MobG BE) has raised great expectations for a rapid transformation of the capital into a people- and environmentally-friendly mobility space. This paper reviews progress in four areas of action.
Im NaMo-Forschungskolloquium werden Forschungsarbeiten aus dem Bereich der sozialwissenschaftlichen Mobilitätsforschung vorgestellt und gemeinsam konstruktiv-kritisch diskutiert. Bei laufenden Forschungsarbeiten liegt der Schwerpunkt auf Fragen der geplanten theoretischen und methodischen Herangehensweise, sowie...