Category Blog
Since 2019, women and mobility have increasingly been the topic of various media formats, events and politics. The core message of the debates is always: "Women move differently than men". But what does that mean exactly? How can the different mobility behaviour be explained and what does this mean for (planning the) transport transition?
TU Berlin for Future – die Ringvorlesung zum Klimaschutz   Die Corona-Krise ist bereits eine große gesellschaftliche Herausforderung. Doch die Klima-Krise wird uns noch viel stärker fordern. Deshalb sind jetzt...
Category Media
The Ministry of Education and Research presents Sophia Becker in an updated "Köpfe der Zukunft" ("Heads of the Future") portrait.
Forschungskolloquium des Fachgebiets Nachhaltige Mobilität und transdisziplinäre Forschungsmethoden (NaMo) Sommersemsester 2021 Termin: mittwochs (14-tägig), 14:30 bis 15:30 Uhr, Online-Veranstaltung
Category Media
The demand for bicycles is greater than ever: In the pandemic, many people discovered cycling as a means of transport. It's good for you as well as the climate - and it makes you happy. Why is that? Sophia Becker in conversation with flow magazine.
Category Media
In an interview with Christina Camier from TU Berlin, Sophia Becker answers questions on how climate-friendly mobility can be shaped in Germany.