Category Publication
Generally, sociotechnical change requires that agency is exercised across multiple, connected levels or contexts. Yet there is very little work in the sociotechnical sustainability transitions literature that theorises these connections in ways that acknowledge the individual-level processes involved.
Category Media
Autokorrektur - the Quarks Podcast for better mobility by WDR deals in its current edition with what can be discovered in terms of mobility in 2021.
Category Media
Dr Sophia Becker from TU Berlin featured in the science programme “Planet Wissen” as an expert on the topic of aggression in road traffic.
Category Media
The cycling experts from RBB's radio station “radioeins” report on the temporary city square in Berlin-Charlottenburg in the “Rad'n'Roll” segment. In her contribution, Sophia Becker places the real-world experiment carried out by EXPERI in the broader context of the transport transition.
Category Media
The Tagesspiegel reports in detail on the temporary city square in Berlin-Charlottenburg, which was set up as part of a real-world experiment carried out by EXPERI. In addition to the project coordinator Julia Jarass, numerous residents also have their say.
Category Media
In the local newsletter “LEUTE”, the “Tagesspiegel” reports on the temporary city square in Berlin-Charlottenburg, which was set up as part of a real-world experiment conducted by EXPERI.
Category Media
In a short article, the Berliner Morgenpost informs about the installation of a temporary city square in Berlin-Charlottenburg as part of a real-world experiment conducted by EXPERI.
Category Blog
29. September – 1. November 2020 Im Klausenerplatz-Kiez in Charlottenburg entsteht von Ende September bis 1. November 2020 ein neuer Stadtplatz. Im Rahmen des Projekts ändern sich temporär die Verkehrsregeln...
Category Media
In the rbb Wissenszeit series, Sophia Becker features as a mobility expert in the programme "Verzichten und trotzdem Genießen?" [Renounce and still enjoy?], in which two school classes discuss sustainable mobility and sustainable nutrition with experts.
Category Media
In the Bayrischer Rundfunk’s TV programme “Gut zu wissen” on the topic of pop-up bike lanes, Sophia Becker explains the role that cycling and public transport play in the transport transition.