Category Media
Sophia Becker talks to rbb Inforadio about the new annual bus and train ticket in Austria.
Category Media
radioeins from the rbb in "Rad'n'Roll" with spoken contributions by Sophia Becker on Berlin's mobility law.
Category Publication
The Berlin Mobility Act (MobG BE) has raised great expectations for a rapid transformation of the capital into a people- and environmentally-friendly mobility space. This paper reviews progress in four areas of action.
Im NaMo-Forschungskolloquium werden Forschungsarbeiten aus dem Bereich der sozialwissenschaftlichen Mobilitätsforschung vorgestellt und gemeinsam konstruktiv-kritisch diskutiert. Bei laufenden Forschungsarbeiten liegt der Schwerpunkt auf Fragen der geplanten theoretischen und methodischen Herangehensweise, sowie...
Category Media
Is public transport the crucial means for the transport transition to succeed? Or rather, what course must the future Berlin Senate set for a new mobility in any case?
Category Media
In an interview with the Märkische Allgemeine, Sophia Becker explains what the mobility transformation can and should look like in a flat land like Brandenburg.
Category Media
The Norwegian Cyclists' Association "Syklistforeningen" quotes from the IASS study on pop-up bike lanes by Prof. Dr Sophia Becker and Katharina Götting.
Category Blog
This blog article investigates whether there is a correlation between car ownership and socio-economic situation of the inhabitants in Berlin. For this purpose, the car ownership rate (cars per 100 inhabitants) is compared with the socio-economic status on the level of 436 lebensweltlich orientierten Räumen (LOR).
Category Media
Sophia Becker im Gespräch mit Marcel Heberlein und Kristin Becker zum wöchentlichen Gedankenexperiment, diesmal zum Thema "Nahverkehr kostenlos? Was dann?".
Category Blog
Younger children up to the age of 9 are most often killed as passengers in cars; children aged 10-14 are most often killed on bicycles, but in 2019 most children were killed as pedestrians. It is not surprising that for children, especially the way to school is dangerous.