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In her empirical study, Sophia Becker investigates whether technical improvements in car efficiency lead consumers to buy a bigger car, travel longer distances, or drive faster.
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The purpose of this study is to analyse the effects of residential and travel preferences on mode use in a new inner-city development in Berlin. In contrast to the majority of related studies, we consider these preferences in a more holistic way by grouping residents into clusters.
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Julia Jarass uses the example of a new inner-city development in Berlin to investigate the relationship between residential and everyday mobility.
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The NaWis network aims at providing impetus for transdisciplinary and transformative science. To this end, the partner institutions develop research methods and apply them to socially relevant problem areas. In addition, criteria for quality assurance and impact monitoring are being developed.
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How can cities solve the pressing environmental problems caused by the excessive use of private cars? By creating Free Cargo-Bikesharing systems, citizens are taking forward the transition to sustainable transportation systems.
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Intermodality - the combination of several modes of transport in the course of one journey - is increasingly being taken into account in everyday urban mobility.
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Consumers’ preferences regarding the security of supply (SoS) of electricity are generally assessed through economic estimates of the value of lost load. However, this monodisciplinary approach typically builds on homo oeconomicus assumptions and neglects consumers’ nonmonetary evaluations of SoS.
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Researchers at the Transportation Sustainability Research Center (TSRC), UC Berkeley in partnership with Zipcar conducted a survey to better understand the impact that carsharing has on college member travel behavior, vehicle holdings and driving, quality of life, and transportation expense savings.
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In order to promote sustainable and socially acceptable mobility, it is important to first understand the factors that impact on everyday transport behaviour.
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Who are the first-time users of electric vehicles? How are the vehicles used in everyday life, what are the limitations of use at this point, and how do users deal with these limitations?