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Gegenwärtig befindet sich das Mobilitäts- und Verkehrssystem in einer Krise, aber noch nicht im Umbruch. Eine Verkehrswende wird immer stärker herbeigesehnt, hat jedoch – im Gegensatz zur Energiewende im Stromsektor...
Category Media
Katharina Götting was interviewed on BR2 Tagesticket - Der Frühpodcast on the topic: Incentives or bans - what helps in the fight against climate change?
Category Publication
Sufficiency is one important strategy for sustainable development. At an individual level, we need a better understanding of the relationship between sufficiency attitude and CO2footprint. In this paper, we analyze sufficiency as a psychological determinant of low-carbon lifestyles and introduce an empirical measurement scale for individual sufficiency attitudes.
Category Publication
This policy brief provides concrete proposals for measures that could be financed from the price of fossil fuel emissions in the areas of electricity, heating and mobility.
Category Publication
This policy brief provides concrete proposals for measures that could be financed from the price of fossil fuel emissions in the areas of electricity, heating and mobility.
Category Media
Sophia Becker was a guest on the science magazine IQ - Science and Research of the Bavarian Radio station Bayern 2.
Category Media
As a guest on the radioWelt programme of the Bavarian Radio station Bayern 2, Sophia Becker from TU Berlin spoke on the topic of "How to convince people to change their behaviour when it comes to climate protection?"
Category Publication
Here's how. Rethinking and implementing pedestrian traffic in cities: Walking is "in". More and more cities are creating zones for encounters and turning parking spaces and lanes into wider walking and cycling paths or attractive squares. The city is becoming a second living room for many people who walk.
Category Publication
With reference to previous empirical findings by IASS and ENavi researchers, the following chapter shows that while people in Germany generally support the energy transition (Energiewende), they believe that the implementation process is socially unjust and badly managed.