Category Media
An article by Julia Jarass on Corona as an opportunity for public space was published in the Point of View section of the Tagesspiegel's Decision-Maker Briefing for the Mobility & Transport Sector (15 May 2020).
Category Media
The survey conducted by EXPERI on the acceptance of pop-up infrastructure in Berlin was mentioned in a news report by the dpa news agency on the Pop-Up Bike Lanes Action Day, which was picked up by numerous media.
Category Publication
Encouraging cycling and walking as means of transport for getting around the city is not only good for the environment and air quality per se, but currently also supports the overall public health goal of minimizing the spread of COVID-19. As each person that cycles or walks instead of using public transit is thereby considerably reducing the risk of infection or of infecting others.
Category Media
Sophia Becker was interviewed for a piece on changes in mobility behaviour due to the Corona crisis by MOVINC, a news portal specialising in mobility issues.
Category Media
An interview with Sophia Becker on the impact of the Corona crisis on the transport transition was published on the website of the German Ministry of Education and Research.
Category Blog
Die erhöhte Ansteckungsgefahr mit Corona bei der Nutzung des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs veranlasst immer mehr Menschen weltweit, sich individuell fortzubewegen. Um den Verkehrskollaps verbunden mit den bekannten negativen Umwelt- und Klimaeffekten...
Category Media
Sophia Becker was a guest on the podcast update of the radio station Deutschlandradio Nova.
Category Media
The trade magazine Internationales Verkehrswesen reports on EXPERI's ongoing survey on the acceptance of pop-up bike lanes in Berlin.
Category Media
In a report picked up by several media sites, the news agency dpa reports on the survey on the acceptance of pop-up infrastructure in Berlin conducted by EXPERI.
Category Media
In a report picked up by several media sites, the news agency dpa reports on the survey on the acceptance of pop-up infrastructure in Berlin conducted by EXPERI.