Category Media
Marlene Sattler is interviewed by the news television station WELT on cycling safety and the safe design of cycle lanes.
Category Publication
Mobility is a prerequisite for fulfilling essential human needs. Work, education, social participation: All these activities mean that regular journeys have to be made. However, especially in cities, the "side effects" of mobility such as traffic congestion, accidents, air pollution, noise and the resulting health effects also become apparent.
Category Media
In an interview with RBB's news portal RBB24, Sophia Becker talks about the results of EXPERI's survey on pop-up infrastructure in Berlin.
Category Media
Sophia Becker was interviewed for a video report on the website of the television station RBB on the question "How useful are the temporary cycle lanes?".
Category Media
Sophia Becker was invited by the Swedish radio station Sveriges Radio to compare the transport policies of different European cities at the time of the Corona Crisis.
Category Media
In a report on the discussion about pop-up cycle lanes, the Berliner Abendblatt quotes from the results of EXPERI's survey on the new infrastructure.
Category Media
In an interview with fairkehr, the magazine of the Verkehrsclub Deutschland (VCD), Julia Jarass talks about changes in mobility behaviour due to the Corona crisis and the associated opportunities for cities.
Category Media
A report on the planned expansion of pop-up cycle lanes in Berlin cites the results of EXPERI's survey on the acceptance of the new infrastructure.
Category Media
The trade journal Internationales Verkehrswesen reports on the results of EXPERI's survey on the acceptance of pop-up bike lanes in Berlin and emphasises that they show an increased sense of safety among users.
Category Media
In an interview with the specialist portal GIS-IQ, Alexander Czeh explains what measures cities took during the Corona crisis to create better conditions for cycling and walking.