Category Publication
Götting, K., Becker, S. (2020). Reactions to the pop-up cycle paths in Berlin. Results of an exploratory survey on temporary cycling infrastructure in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. IASS Study.


The Covid-19 pandemic has clearly influenced mobility behaviour. While public transport is struggling with a sharp decline in ridership, individual forms of mobility - such as walking, cycling and car transport - are gaining in importance. At the same time, protection against infection and adherence to distance rules have the highest priority. In Berlin, a so-called pop-up bike infrastructure is being created - temporary bike lanes that enable safe cycling and the necessary distance with simple means. What reactions do the pop-up bike lanes provoke among road users? The aim of the present study was to record the reactions and perceptions in the form of advantages and disadvantages by means of an online survey.

The Covid-19 pandemic has clearly influenced mobility behaviour. While public transport has to cope with a sharp decline in the number of passengers, individual forms of mobility - such as walking, cycling and car traffic - gain in importance. At the same time, protection against infection and adherence to the rules of distance are a priority. In Berlin, a so-called pop-up cycling infrastructure is being created - provisional cycle paths that allow safe cycling and the necessary distance to be main-tained by means of simple tools. What reactions do the pop-up cycle paths provoke in transportation users? The aim of this study was to explore reactions and perceptions in terms of advantages and disadvantages, using an online questionnaire.